• Company Information

  • Until
  • Ownership Information

  • Payment Processing Information

  • Product Received

    (Must equal 100%)
  • Flat Rate Pricing/Fees (For Agent Use Only)

  • Push to Card Fee: $2.95 ACH Fee: $2.95
    Send Check Fee: $2.95 Gift Card Fee: $2.95
    Vendor Pay B2B Fee: $2.95 Chargeback: $35.00 Per Item
    Return Check/ACH Fee: $35.00 Per Item
    Monthly Statement Fee: $0.00 Monthly Minimum Fee: $500.00
    Terminal Batch Fee: $0.00 Per Batch

  • Additional Owner Information

  • Beneficial Owner (#2)

  • Beneficial Owner (#3)

  • Beneficial Owner (#4)

  • Preferred Business Contact Person

  • Required Documents

  • Terminal Ordering Information*

  • Terminals

  • QD4 WiFi or IP

    $343 Each
  • QD2 - 4G

    $529 Each
  • 4G Service

  • * Terminal Prices Subject to Change Without Notice

  • Terminal Programming Options



    • Please indicate type and number of each terminal requested. Also note that for all 4G enabled devices, a cellular service fee of $____ per
      terminal/station per month will apply along with a one-time $10.00 per terminal SIM CARD activation fee.
    • Monthly Terminal Support & Encryption Fee of $_____ is charged for each terminal.
    • Please note the total amount due for equipment specified and listed herein must be paid in full prior to being shipped to your location.
  • Merchant receives 100% of this fee to offset their Processing Fee: Average % Fee is 1% up to 4% OR $1.50 to $5.00 per transaction.

  • Person Who Will Complete and is Authorized to Sign Electronic Document

  • NOTE: Processor will not accept partial applications. All documents must be submitted to Boarding, merchants will receive an email for review and eSignature from Boarding.

    Underwriting may require additional documentation and/or information after this initial package has been submitted to Boarding.

    Once the application is approved, which typically takes 7-10 business days, a second email will be sent to the merchant with login credentials for the Merchant Portal.

    As the Agent/ISO of record; I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure all of the information in this document
    regarding the Merchant is true and has been verified to be accurate as received by the Merchant. Furthermore, I have reviewed
    all the costs related to this program to the Merchant and have verbally and in writing explained same to the Merchant to their
    complete understanding. I also understand that along with this document and the Dispensary Checklist that all supporting
    documents must be gathered and reviewed before sending the complete packet for Pre-Boarding to_______________________.

    I acknowledge all of the above has been completed and adhered to the best of my ability and have I explained to
    the merchant in detail all costs and requirements of this program.

  • Should be Empty: